Similar words: property, private property, properties, proper, propel, improper, properly, propensity. Meaning: n. a capital tax on property imposed by municipalities; based on the estimated value of the property.
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1. The new property tax law won't directly affect us.
2. Proposition 13 in 1978 slashed the property tax and reordered state and local government finance.
3. In the short run this could mean a property tax with substantial rebates for poor
4. In 1998, the residential property tax classification accounted for approximately 59 percent of the city's total tax capacity.
5. In Bush's Texas the governor fought for property tax breaks while denying children basic healthcare.
6. If we are to have a property tax, it must be logical, and the logic is clear.
7. The problem surfaced as annual property tax bills began appearing in mailboxes this week.
8. A naked property tax would be simpler, but it would not be as fair.
9. For example, even when land is sold, the property tax is not likely to be shifted.
10. The property tax will be levied, on the predictable base of immovable property, to yield the required annual debt repayments.
11. He pays the property tax but claims no more right to the land than the other creatures that live on it.
12. They even subsidize rural fire districts through property tax payments.
13. The residential prOperty tax assessment is based On a valuation set at 15 percent of fair market value.
14. The property tax the county collects from city residents supplies millions of dollars for sheriff deputies that patrol in the foothills.
15. Like the poll tax, this property tax is deeply flawed.
16. City expansion has increased local property tax revenues and has thwarted some flight to suburbia.
17. The rates were a property tax, paid by tenants and owner occupiers.
18. It could start by reducing the property tax rate, charging everyone less, including Tucson residents.
19. A small increase in local spending will translate into a big rise in property tax.
20. The capital cost is to be financed from a local property tax.
21. There would be no reason to have introduced the poll tax and no reason for another arbitrary and unfair property tax.
22. No doubt it was hard enough to accept the volteface involved in embracing an element of property tax.
23. With bonding authority, you can sell bonds for projects and then pay off the bonds with a local property tax.
24. Not unnaturally, Ministers have savaged the workings of a property tax ever since rates were abolished.
25. A subsidiary problem was a reluctance to raise rateable values, the basis of the property tax, in line with market prices.
26. Rates had very low administration costs; hence the case for reintroducing some form of property tax.
27. The distributional effects will be very similar to a straight switch to a property tax.
28. It begins with Proposition 13, the landmark 1978 initiative that froze property tax rates.
29. Forbes' platform makes sense in a state on a mission to eliminate the income tax and substantially reduce the property tax.
30. Although the Labour party opposes the discount scheme, it does not attempt to address the unfairness inherent in a property tax.
More similar words: property, private property, properties, proper, propel, improper, properly, propensity, puberty, liberty, poverty, rope, grope, poverty line, rope in, European, learn the ropes, misanthrope, prop, european union, eastern europe, props, hypertrophy, progressive tax, prop up, propose, prophet, european community, prophesy, proposed.